Asset Performance Management

Rubus - Asset Maintenance Management

Asset Performance Management

Rubus Asset Maintenance Management manages the lifecycle of physical assets that helps to digitize and optimize, maintenance operations to reach new levels of efficiency. AMM is one of the modules offered by Rubus IOT, to efficiently manage all the physical assets of the industry can be it IT or Non-IT assets. It involves asset maintenance, work management, supply chain management, planning and scheduling, etc. Adopting AMM, and integration with predictive maintenance and condition-based monitoring will enhance the asset performance in the industry. This feature of Rubus helps in reducing the downtime, increase the productive uptime by optimizing the quality and utilization of the asset. Through AMM you can manage and monitor Assets, Job plan, preventive maintenance, workflow and work orders. Implementing AMM in your industry will ultimately result in increased returns and improved production by optimum utilization of the assets.

Additional benefits includes

· Increased operational efficiency of the plant.

· Real time tracking of asset performance.

· Improved asset reliability and increase the uptime.

· Centralized data availability.

· Improved connectivity in the plant.

· In depth cost analysis.

· Saving cost by reducing downtime and timely maintenance

Rubus asset maintenance modules features

Preventive Maintenance Scheduling: This feature allows users to create and manage maintenance schedules based on time, usage, or other triggers. Preventive maintenance helps avoid unexpected breakdowns by performing regular inspections and servicing.

Work Order Management: This feature streamlines the process of creating, assigning, and tracking maintenance tasks. It enables users to prioritize and delegate work orders efficiently.

Asset Tracking and History: Maintaining a complete history of each asset's maintenance activities helps in tracking its performance, identifying recurring issues, and making informed decisions about repairs or replacements.

Condition Monitoring: Some systems offer real-time monitoring of asset conditions using sensors and IoT devices. It enables early detection of potential problems, helping to address issues before they escalate

Predictive Maintenance: This feature uses data analytics and machine learning algorithms to predict when an asset is likely to fail. By detecting anomalies and patterns in asset behavior, maintenance can be performed just in time, reducing downtime and costs.

Asset Performance Analysis:
The ability to analyze asset performance data helps in identifying patterns, trends, and areas of improvement. This data-driven approach optimizes maintenance strategies and resource allocation.

Built in  IoT and CMMS:
Integration with the Internet of Things (IoT) devices and Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) enhances data collection, automation, and decision-making capabilities.

Spare Parts Management:
Managing spare parts inventory efficiently ensures that the required components are available when needed, minimizing downtime during maintenance.

Asset Health Dashboard:
A comprehensive dashboard provides a quick overview of asset health, maintenance status, and key performance indicators (KPIs), making it easier to monitor and assess the overall maintenance performance.

Mobile Application

Rubus IOT provides Mobile Application to enhance theuser experience for seamless device mangement. The application has an intuitive and user-friendly interface for managing the IoT devices connected to the Rubus Platform. With the real time monitoring, device configuration, customized dashboards, users can effortlessly manage their IoT ecosystem. By providing the secure access, data visualization and seamless integration with the Rubus Platform, the mobile application empowers users to leverage the full potential of their connected system. With this mobile application you can experience the unparalleled control and management of the connected IoT devices.

Mobile applications in the context of IoT (Internet of Things) play a crucial role in enabling users to interact with and control connected devices remotely. These applications act as a bridge between the physical world of IoT devices and the digital world accessible through smartphones or tablets. Here are some common mobile application features in IoT:

1.      Remote Monitoring: Users can view real-time data and status updates from their connected IoT devices. For example, a smart  plant app might display current temperature, humidity, or energy usage.

2.      Alerts and Notifications: The app can send users alerts and push notifications when certain events occur. For instance, a smart health monitoring app might notify a user when their heart rate exceeds a safe threshold.

3.      Data Visualization: The mobile app will present IoT data in an easily understandable and visually appealing manner, such as graphs, charts, or widgets.

4.       Energy Management: For IoT devices that consume power, the app can help users to monitor energy usage and optimize consumption to save costs and promote sustainability.

5.      Integration with Third-Party Services: Integration with other smart home platforms, cloud services, or external APIs can extend the functionality of the IoT ecosystem.

6.      Analytics and Insights: Advanced IoT mobile applications may offer analytics and insights based on historical data, helping users make informed decisions and optimize device usage.

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